For some time now, Google has been presenting its search results in what it calls “universal search” but which everyone else calls “blended search.”
Browser Breakdown
Michael posted this page showing the browsers used by visitors to The interface is fun to play with and check out what was done to create the visualization!
Bye bye IE 6
Here’s your hat; what’s your hurry?
The Art of SEO
“The Art of SEO” is a solid account of the state of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it stands today.
All the news that’s fit to Tweet
A French-language broadcasters group will lock five journalists in a French farmhouse for five days, giving them access to nothing but Facebook and Twitter, to see how much news they can learn about.
Free Internet – For Life
I got a new Kindle 2 for Christmas from my brother — thanks, bro! More than just a great toy, it allows you to surf the web, for free, forever (or at least until Jeff Bezos tires of footing the bill for us).
See what others are doing
“A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples“, and an analysis of same: click click click click.
Pick a color, any color
Just came across a cool add-on for Firefox called Color Picker. It doesn’t do much but what it does it does well and quickly.
Free Text Messages
Text messages cost money to send. It is only pennies but those numbers add up. Or do they?
Adobe Browser Lab
I don’t use this tool much at work. As a manager, I don’t do too much coding these days. But making this blog was a nice opportunity for me to learn about WordPress templates. Although I didn’t do anything hardcore, I did have to mess with the templates quite a bit to make my own look. (Oh, and if you know what you are doing, do me the kindness of not Viewing Source. I cheated — a lot. Compliant code this is not).