Adobe Browser Lab

I don’t use this tool much at work. As a manager, I don’t do too much coding these days. But making this blog was a nice opportunity for me to learn about WordPress templates. Although I didn’t do anything hardcore, I did have to mess with the templates quite a bit to make my own look. (Oh, and if you know what you are doing, do me the kindness of not Viewing Source. I cheated — a lot. Compliant code this is not).
But chances are pretty good that if you are reading this blog, you are in Marketing or Communications, like me, which probably means you have a blog of your own. And if you don’t have a blog of your own, you owe it to yourself to make one. Anyway, if you stick with the templates your CMS came with, you’re probably all set, assuming you chose wisely.

But if you roll your own or make any changes to the provided templates, or even if you want to double-check a site that your agency provided, you’ll want to know that your site looks good on all browsers/platforms. Enter Adobe Browser Lab.

Type a URL, and there’s your site, on a whole bunch of browsers on many major platforms. Best of all, it is a branding tool for Adobe, so it’s free. Pretty slick.

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